Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine

chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture needles

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an ancient system of medicine that supports the body to heal itself by restoring balance to the mind, body and spirit. In TCM philosophy, everything is connected. Any illness or injury to one part of the body can upset the smooth flow of qi to other parts of the body leading to pain or illness.

Rather than looking at each symptom in isolation, Traditional Chinese Medicine aims to treat the whole body to resolve any root imbalance and their symptomatic branches to promote optimum health.

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acupuncture needles

What is Acupuncture and how does it work?

The practice of acupuncture involves the gentle use of very fine needles at specific acupoints around the body to restore balance, alleviate pain and promote healing. However an acupuncture treatment can also include other traditional chinese techniques including those listed below.

  • Moxa

    Moxabustion - Moxa (mugwort) is a special herb that is burnt on or near to specific acupoints to warm the channels, relax the muscles and tonify the body.

  • Guasha

    Gua Sha & Massage - Gua Sha involves gentle scraping or stroking across the skin to encourage blood flow, reduce inflammation and release any pathogen from the exterior.

  • Cupping

    Cupping - Glass jars are gently heated and placed on the skin to draw out any acute symptoms or excess. Cupping is commonly used to treat colds or muscular pain.

  • Diet

    Diet & Lifestyle - Dietary therapy and lifestyle advice, such as specific exercises, can help improve recovery, relieve symptoms and prevent reoccurrence.

Over 4,000 Years of History

What can Acupuncture Treat?

Chinese medicine is a complete healthcare system that has been practised for thousands of years. Since Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treats the whole person rather just specific symptoms in isolation, it can offer benefits to a vast range of physical and mental conditions. For the latest information and research into acupuncture for specific conditions, you can visit the British Acupuncture Council website.

By looking at the body as a whole and considering all of the signs and symptoms together, TCM aims to treat any complaint and prevent recurrence. In addition to their main complaint, patients will often report ‘positive side-effects’ to treatment such as improved sleep or less headaches since TCM aims to address the whole pattern of imbalance. Acupuncture can be used alone, or alongside other therapies and treatments from physiotherapy to chemotherapy. Here are a few examples of conditions for which acupuncture is commonly used to treat:

  • Migraines and tension headaches
  • Fertility issues and pregnancy support
  • Respiratory conditions
  • Auto-immune disorders
  • Gynaecological issues such as irregular or painful menstruation
  • Injuries and pain such as back pain and Sciatica
  • Digestive problems such as IBS
  • Insomnia and tiredness
  • Menopausal issues
  • Mental and emotional issues such as stress, anxiety, panic attacks and depression
  • General well-being and immune support